The Clinician Scientist Academy Lübeck

Zur Webseite des Exzellenzclusters PMI

Clinician Scientist programs in the CS Academy Lübeck:

  • Clinician Scientist Program of the Cluster of Excellence Precision Medicine in Chronic Inflammation (PMI)
  • Clinician Scientist Program of the University of Lübeck
  • Clinician Scientist Program of the Research Training Group 2633
  • Clinician Scientist Program of the Collaborative Research Centre 1526 (PANTAU)
  • others

The Clinician Scientist Academy (CSA) Lübeck supports and coordinates clinician scientists at the University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein (UKSH) in Lübeck. Our goal is to systematically promote the individual career paths of medical researchers. We provide guidance to both early-career and experienced clinician scientists who are supported either by the University of Lübeck or through external programs.